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Alle Infos über LEDS Funktionsweise einer LED, leds, led Leuchten, Led, Oled, Diode LED NEWS LED Aquarium Beleuchtung Modellbau Einrichtungstips mit LEDS, leds, led Leuchten, Led, Oled Wohndesign mit LEDS und Oleds LED licht show, OLED licht show, LEDgebäude rund um den Erdball Energiesparen mit LEDS und Oleds Funstuff mit Leds und Oleds LED Stripes LED Fashion, Bekleidung mit Leds und Oleds LEDS für das KFZ, LEDS für das Auto LEDS für das Motorrad, LEDS für das Bike LEDS für das Boot, Leds für deine Yacht LEDS für Pflanzen, LED Wachstumslampen LED Events LED Monitore, LED Backligtht, LED LCD, LED Display, Oled Display, Oled Monitor Umwelt Ideen Box, interessante Ideen für eine bessere Umwelt   

It becomes Light
Color temperature K
Color nm
Luminous intensity cd
Luminous flux lm
Illuminance Lux
Luminance L
The Photon
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Markus Kottas
1060 Wien

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Webseitengestaltung & Realisation & Inhalte: Markus Kottas

Impressum LEDshift 2008:

Alle Informationen werden von LEDshift gratis zur Verfügung gestellt. LEDshift tätigt keine Verkäufe.

Als Energie "Selbsterzeuger" und das schon seit 13 Jahren, befasse ich mich natürlich intensiv mit Strom sparenden und Umwelt bewußten Beleuchtungssystemen. Meiner Meinung nach, stellt die jetzige LED-Technologie weltweit die Basis für die "Hauptbeleuchtung" in unserer Zukunft dar.
Die Australische Regierung verbietet ab 2010 den Verkauf von Glühbirnen und wir nehmen an, dass die EU diesem Beispiel folgen wird. Vielleicht sogar schon vor 2010.
Das Thema Energie sparen ist zwar in aller "Munde" aber wir sind der Auffassung, dass im LED Bereich zu wenig Aufklärungarbeit betrieben wird. Herkömmliche Energiesparlampen bestechen zwar, im Vergleich zur Glühbirne, durch ihren niedrigeren Stromverbrauch, sind aber im Gegensatz zu LEDs, SONDERMÜLL pflichtig und eine vernünftige Entsorgung oder Wiederverwertungs Möglichkeit ist uns nicht bekannt. Sie enthalten Quecksilber und damit giftige Quecksilberdämpfe, die extrem Gesundheitsgefährdend sind!
LEDs hingegen sind umweltfreundlich, sowohl in der Herstellung als auch in der Entsorgung und besitzen eine sehr viel höhere Lebensdauer! und auch eine höhere Lummen/Watt Effizienz. Also die Zukunft wird den LEDs gehören, nur muss noch sehr viel mehr Aufklärungsarbeit betrieben werden. Deswegen gründete ich die Infoseite
Desweiteren bietet Ledshift einen Überblick wie eine LED funktioniert und was alles bei einem Kauf zu beachten ist, um mit dem "Beleuchtuns-Ergebnis" zufrieden zu sein.
Ledshift ist eine reine Info Seite und wir tätigen keine Verkäufe.
Led Produkte findet man in den Led Shops, die wir in unseren Linkspalten und in unserer Erzeuger und Distributorenseite aufgeführt haben.


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AGB LEDshift

Contents of the contract:
With sending off the order form for banner entries the customer gives LED SHIFT the order to publish the conveyed data. LED SHIFT is to be refused entitled to the conclusion of a contract without indication from reasons. The contract comes off by publication of the conveyed data on the part of LED SHIFTS. The customer commits itself not to offend by means of the contents and form of his banner entry or a merged advertising side against valid Austrian right and assures the fact that the conveyed data are free of rights third and exempts LED SHIFTS from all requirements third. LED SHIFT is justified to change or remove from the entries system listing at any time and without indication from reasons to. A requirement for the customer does not result thereby. LED SHIFT reserves itself to publish in connection with the publication of the customer standing information additionally on the side and if necessary in direct proximity for publication. If third because of the published listing entry requirements should make valid against LED SHIFTS, we reserve ourselves to make and take if necessary on payment of damages the author up of this listing entry for it liable.
Terms of payment, prices

The height of the fee for the publication of the banner entry and possible extended benefits results in each case from the current price list. The fee becomes due with publication of the banner entry in LED SHIFTS. The account takes place annually in advance. All payments of the customer take place without departures within 7 days after accounting.

Running time and expiration of the contract

Running time and the entry listing are valid for 1 year starting from publication. The running time extends a further year automatically at a time, if not one quits one month before expiration of the running time.

Higher force

LED SHIFT is released from the obligation to perform in cases of higher force. As the higher force are considered all unexpected events as well as such events, whose effects are to be represented on the fulfillment of a contract from no party to. For this count in particular legal labor dispute measures, also in third enterprises, official measures, loss of communications networks and gateways of other offerers, disturbances within the range of line givers, other technical disturbances, even if these circumstances arise within the range of subcontractors, subcontractors or their subcontractors. Compensation or other requirements does not result for the customer in the case LED SHIFTS is not responsible for losses.

Free achievements

Free achievements, which LED SHIFT adduced, can be changed or adjusted at any time and without advance notice. From this no requirements result for the customer.

Personal data and data security

With the inquiry of personal data of the client the client has to give these data truthful. The client agrees that its user data are stored electronically and entitled LED SHIFT, these data for own advertising and marketing purposes to use for own analyses as well as for the advancement of the own services. The passing on from user data third takes place only with consent of the participant or due to legal regulations. The client agrees that statistics, messages and other information to the indicated address of the participant - also by E-Mail - may be sent.


If a determination of this agreement should be or become ineffective, then this does not affect the effectiveness of the remaining regulations. Rather in place of the ineffective regulation appropriate or at least close coming spare regulation, which the parties would have agreed upon for the reaching of the same economic result, applies for the purpose of the agreement, if they had known the inefficacy of the regulation. Appropriate applies to the incompleteness of the regulations. Offences against these regulations are pursued if necessary civilian and criminally.


LED SHIFT (offerer) does not take over any guarantee for the correctness and completeness of the made available information. Liability claims against LED SHIFTS, which kind idealistic material on damage or refer, which was caused by the use or disuse of the presented information and/or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are in principle impossible, if no as can be prove deliberate or roughly negligent being to blame for is present on the part of LED SHIFTS. All offers are not-binding and noncommittal. LED SHIFT reserves itself it expressly to change parts of the sides or the entire offer without separate announcement to supplement to delete or the publication occasionally or finally to stop. Contents of these InterNet sides are in copyright matters protected. Diagrams, texts, Logos, may be transferred apart from the normal use with a Web Browser only dispatched fig. etc. after written permission downloaded (stored), multiplied, copied, changed, published, or used in other form.

Non-liability with purchase or sale over LED SHIFTs

LED SHIFT takes over a pure mediators role without requirement for liability. LED SHIFT undertakes thus no liability on all products over our side nither sold ore bought. Neither on quality, efficiency, distribution, distribution delay, standard observances, consumer protection regulations, payment or other requirements or damage with a purchase over LED SHIFTs could develop.

Verweise und Links

With direct or indirect references to strange web page ("hyper link"), which outside of the area of responsibility of LED SHIFTS lies, an adhesion obligation exclusively in the case would apply, in which LED SHIFT of contents expressly knowledge has and it LED SHIFTS technically possible and reasonable would be to prevent the use or announcement in the case of illegal contents.

LED SHIFT explains hereby expressly that at the time of the link setting no illegal contents on the linked sides were recognizable. On the current and future organization, contents or the authority of the left sides LED SHIFT does not have any influence. An adhesion for left on sides, which were changed after the link setting, is therefore impossible.

Copy right regulations

LED SHIFT is anxious to consider in all publications copyrights of the used diagrams, pictures and texts of it provided diagrams, pictures and texts to use or on license-free diagrams to fall back pictures and texts.
All within the InterNet offer specified and if necessary by third protected mark and registered trade marks are subject without reservation to the regulations of the valid in each case characteristic right and the possession rights of the respective registered owners. However due to the bare denomination the conclusion is not to be drawn that brand names are not protected by rights third.
The copyright for of LED SHIFTS provided and published objects remains alone with LED SHIFTS. A duplication or a use of such diagrams, pictures and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without express agreement of LED SHIFTS.


LED SHIFT is not responsible for damage and in particular not for direct or indirect damages, overrun, escaped profit, system or losses of production, which result from the use of these InterNet sides. If resolution or rough negligence is present on the part of LED SHIFTS with a developed damage by the use of the InterNet sides, the non-liability does not apply. To the legal relation between the user and LED SHIFTS, resulted from the use of the InterNet sides, the right of the Federal Republic of Austria applies. With law cases with full buyers, who result from the use of these InterNet sides, the area of jurisdiction is Vienna.

Coverage of order form

With the mailing of the form for order for the admission into our sides with banner advertisement, side integration and master directories you explain yourselves in agreement with the aforementioned conditions.

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